European Forum on Music and EMC Annual Meeting 2012
April 19 - 22 2012

International Music Council 4th World Forum on Music and 34th General Assembly - Press release
September 26 - October 1 2011

4th IMC World Forum on Music
September 26 - October 1 2011

International Music Council Executive Board and International, Regional Organisations Meeting
Pomáz, Budapest
30 March - 4 April 2011

Musical Diversity - Looking back, Looking forward
European Forum on Music and EMC Annual Meeting
15-18 April 2010, Vienna, Austria

International Music Council 3rd World Forum on Music
17-22 October 2009, Tunis, Tunisia

International Music Council 33rd General Assembly
21-22 October 2009, Tunis, Tunisia

World Liszt Day 2011
KLASSZ Music Office and Hungarian Music Council announce the World Liszt Day project
22 October 2011

3rd World Forum on Music of the International Music Council
First announcement
17-22 October 2009, Tunis

Final Event and Annual Conference of the European Music Council
23-26 April 2009, Athens, Greece

Reach Out, Open Up, Take In! - Press Release
Seminar and Workshop for music organisations in North, Central and South Eastern Europe
27 February - 1 March 2009, Pomáz, Hungary

Reach Out, Open Up, Take In!
Developing your skills in advocacy, networking and international cooperation
27 February - 1 March 2009, Pomáz, Hungary